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Rainbow Bursts 9 ft. Kite by Premier


Rainbow Bursts 9 ft. Kite by Premier
Size (W X L): 102 x 53 in. / 259 x 135 cm.
Wind Range: 5 ~ 20 mph
Fabric: Ripstop Nylon
Frame: Tubular Fiberglass
Recommended line (not included): 90 lb. Test
Kite Loft Staff uses 110lb line.

Availability: In stock


Rainbow Bursts 9 ft. Kite by Premier

Rainbow Bursts 9 ft. Kite by Premier are fantastic flyers. Framed with sturdy, light weight fiberglass rods, these gigantic sails launch smoothly and gain altitude gracefully. The Rainbow Bursts 9 ft. Kite by Premier design naturally adapts to a wide range of wind conditions making it easy to fly.

Size (W X L): 102 x 53 in. / 259 x 135 cm.
Wind Range: 5 ~ 20 mph
Fabric: Ripstop Nylon
Frame: Tubular Fiberglass
Recommended line (not included): 90 lb. Test
Kite Loft Staff uses 110lb line.
Directions for Rainbow Bursts 9 ft. Kite by Premier
Unroll kite and lay out flat facedown.
Step 2:
Slide Leading Edge Rods to bottoms of
Leading Edge Sleeves.
Step 3:
Insert Spreader Rod into Pockets on
Leading Edges.
Step 4:
Attach Line to Tow Point,
and your 9ft.Delta
FLIGHT INSTRUCTIONS for Rainbow Bursts 9 ft. Kite by Premier :
-Tie flying line to Tow Loop.
-Have a friend stand about 75 ft. downwind from you and hold the kite with its head pointed towards the sky.
-As the wind catches the kite, signal your friend to release it while you bring in the line with long steady pulls.
-Slowly let out more line as the kite flies upward.
Rainbow Bursts 9 ft. Kite by Premier

Beaufort Wind Scale for Reference with Rainbow Bursts 9 ft. Kite by Premier

Developed in 1805 by Sir Francis Beaufort, U.K. Royal Navy

Force Wind
Appearance of Wind Effects
On the Water On Land
0 Less than 1 Calm Sea surface smooth and mirror-like Calm, smoke rises vertically
1 1-3 Light Air Scaly ripples, no foam crests Smoke drift indicates wind direction, still wind vanes
2 4-6 Light Breeze Small wavelets, crests glassy, no breaking Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes begin to move
3 7-10 Gentle Breeze Large wavelets, crests begin to break, scattered whitecaps Leaves and small twigs constantly moving, light flags extended
4 11-16 Moderate Breeze Small waves 1-4 ft. becoming longer, numerous whitecaps Dust, leaves, and loose paper lifted, small tree branches move
5 17-21 Fresh Breeze Moderate waves 4-8 ft taking longer form, many whitecaps, some spray Small trees in leaf begin to sway
6 22-27 Strong Breeze Larger waves 8-13 ft, whitecaps common, more spray Larger tree branches moving, whistling in wires

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