1-3 mph | Calm, smoke rises vertically. |
4-7 mph | Smoke shows wind direction, vanes do not move. |
8-12 mph | Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vane slowly moves. |
13-18 mph | Leaves and small branches move, light flags extend. |
19-24 mph | Leaves rise up and braches move, flags are flapping. |
25-31 mph | Small trees sway, flags flap and ripple. |
32-38 mph | Large branches in motion, whistling heard in the air. |
39-46 mph | Whole trees in motion, resistance while walking against wind. |
47-54 mph | Whole trees in motion, strong resistance while walking against wind. |
55-63 mph | Slight structural damage, weak shingles blow off roof. |
64-72 mph | Trees uproot and break, heavy structural damage to buildings. |
73+ mph | Look out!! Be somewhere else! |